Lecturer at Boston University.
Software Engineer. Security Enthusiast.
September 2022 - August 2024
Using C++, OpenMP
Created a approximate graph mining system at scale, that can mine for patterns in graphs with billions of edges.
September-February 2021
Using React, Next.JS, d3, Python
In tangent with the CovidVis team as a UROP student, created an interactive story in React about the narrative around Covid-based data visualizations and how they developped over social media. Analyzes over 600,000 tweets with neural networks with the backbone of a flexible data dashboard to explore the large dataset dynamically.
February-August 2020
Frontend in: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Mapbox, d3. Backend In: Python, OSMNX GIS Library, MongoDB, Django
Created with the CityScanner group as apart of a UROP. This is a web-based data visualization dashboard integrated with Mapbox and D3-based graph widgets to show air quality data. The site and it's interfaces were designed with flexbility in mind and can be easily adjusted via configuration files to deploy for different cities and with different data overlays.
August 2019
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Geopandas Map Background
A mobile optimized website template for the WIRE project for the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
January-May 2019
Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Pandas, Geopandas
A study of the Madison City Budget using data science techniques in cooperation with Tyler Harter and students at UW Madison. I specifically focused on the Fire department and analyzing location of incidents, incident frequency, and overtime pay.
June 2020
React, Node.js, MongoDB
Inspired by a group of friend's interest emotion-related vocabulariy, emonation is a website in which users can log-in via Google Auth and place a marker on an emotional landscape representing where they are emotionally. A new form of social network.
January 2020
React, Node.js, MongoDB
A website created as apart of the MIT WebLab IAP class. It is a recipe website, but unlike a traditional recipe website, once you “Pass the Recipe” anyone can suggest edits, vote to find the best directions, and transform your recipe into something new.
June 2018
HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
A work in progress website, home to research and opinions about political science and its interaction with CS. Also hosts the JavaScript Gerrymandering Sandbox.
November 2018
Python, Flask, Flask-SocketIO, JavaScript, Postgresql
Made in 24 hours by Anna A-D and Langston N., Alliance Online is a multiplayer strategy board game.
March 2019
HTML/CSS, Node.js, Postgresql
Made in less than a day to learn about node.js and Postgresql, Anna's Corner is a simple blogging site. Drop by and leave a post!
May-June 2018
C#, Unity3D
Made over the course of several months by Anna A-D and Langston N., Dungeon Cubed is a isometric/3D dungeon crawling rougelike made in Unity/C# with inventory, enemies, skill/leveling, weapons, and 3 demo levels.
As many people, I constantly maintain a list of dream projects that I'm excited about and/or working on. Ask me about any of these, if you are interested!
Anna Arpaci-Dusseau is a full time Lecturer of Computer Science at Boston University. Anna's area of expertise and interest lie in computer systems, systems security, and cloud security. She completed her undergraduate and master's degree in computer science at MIT with an emphasis in computer systems.
Anna's thesis work was in Graph Pattern Mining (GPM) and was entitled, “Approximate and Fast Graph Mining at Scale”. She also has industry experience working in cloud security. Anna aims to teach computer systems in an intuitive and hands-on manner through the lens of security-aware practices.
I am a big fan of corn mazes (a side-effect of being from Wisconsin), the ocean, and web development. I also enjoy reading and writing questionable quality novels. I've owned two nameless cats (yes it's a bit confusing). I tried a brief stint in stand-up comedy (ask me about it), but as you may have gathered I do not have the knack. !
I am also an avid Ultimate Frisbee player and a member of the Boston women's club ultimate scene!